
After reading I am sure you will disagree with me.  Nonetheless I am not concerned, my four followers know I am preposterous.  They continue to read, I owe them.  If it’s your first time reading, give me some hate via a comment, but come back again sometime, please.

While using a friend’s computer this weekend I clicked on the Pinterest tab.  Just one of my weekend mistakes.

Now, yes, I have my own Pinterest account.  No, I don’t use it.  I just had to reset my password because it has been that long since I have logged in.  This weekend I was reminded why this is true.

My thoughts on Pinterest.

  • Do people have to pin everything they see?
  • How do you pin the most decadent desert and 12 seconds later a lean legs workout?
  • Oh, you like that outfit?  Couldn’t you just go out and buy it?  I am pretty sure you will think it is cute at the store, even if you don’t pin it.
  • You are getting married?  Please, stop pinning I want to be surprised with the details.
  • Hair tutorials. My hair doesn’t do that.  Point blank.  Your hair does, so I hate you.
  • Dream house, you obviously missed the keyword there folks – dream.
  • The “board” for your future children confused me.  Do you know you are single?
  • It’s hard to imagine, but teachers planned lessons pre-Pinterest.
  • Those are your abs?  Again, I hate you.  I know you don’t really look that good.
  • DIY – NLG (Never looks that good)
  • The quotes.  Granted I lack a sensitivity chip or several, however aren’t the quotes a little much for even the most genuine hopeless romantic out there.  #enoughsaid

Pinterest and its organized chaos are following the technology trend and changing the way we solve problems.  Pinterest is undeniably a valuable resource to countless users; I am not the norm (shocking).  For this reason, I think my mom might be proud.

You will be surprised to know, I was not endorsed for these opinions, rather they are entirely my own.

If you disagree, please share.  After all I not only bash Pinterest, but my friends too.  They just roll with the punches and bring comebacks.  I hope you will do the same.
